日本語学校 学校法人 岡学園 大阪文化国際学校

日本語学校ブログ 日本語@Osaka


2022 / 04 の記事


日本にはゴールデンウィークという長い休みがあります。 皆さん、知っていますか。 今年は4月29日から始まります。 一番長い人は10日間お休みです。 旅行をする人が多いので、道がとても混みますし、飛行機や新幹線も満席です。 コロナが少しずつ減っているので、今年は旅行をする人が多いかもしれません。 皆さんは10連休があったら、何をしたいですか。

Golden Week

In Japan, we have a long vacation period called "Golden Week." Do you know about Golden Week? This year, it starts on April 29th. Some people have up to 10 days off. There are many people who take days off during this period, so the roads are crowded, and planes and trains are fully booked. COVID-19 infections are slowly winding down, so there may be many people on vacation this year. If you had 10 days off, what would you want do?



First Day of School

Today is the first day of the new semester.
Some students have been waiting for over a year to enter Japan, so they've finally arrived and are going to begin their studies. The teachers can finally meet the students they've taught online for the past year.

Let's all work hard for our goals together!





37th Graduation Ceremony

We held our 37th graduation ceremony. This season of graduates had their entry to Japan delayed by the Coronavirus pandemic, so they started their studies online. Even after coming to Japan they took care of their health with the proper measures, studied Japanese hard and then took tests, and found a job.
Unfortunately it was raining on the day of the graduation ceremony, but everyone's smiling faces were very bright and impressive.
Congratulations on your graduation!

フィードメーター - 日本語学校 大阪文化国際学校