やっと入国できた学生たちですが、すでに日本留学試験の準備は始まっています。 この学生たちは日本語のほかに「総合科目」も受験します。
「総合科目」とは、日本や世界の歴史、経済、政治などの知識を日本語で問われる試験です。 通常授業が終わってから、さらに2時間、試験日まで連日この授業は行われます。
大学では日本語だけではなく、経済などの知識も、日本人学生と同じレベルが求められます。 苦戦している学生も多いですが、志望大学に入学するためです。 頑張って!
Sogo Kamoku (General Subjects)
The students who have just entered Japan have already begun studying for the EJU (Examination for Japanese University).
Other than Japanese, they are also studying "Sogo Kamoku" or General Subjects. "Sogo Kamoku" is a test that covers history, economics, polictics and other topics in order to test the Japanese level of the student.
After regular Japanese classes end, the students stay and study for another two hours, every day until the test.
At university, students will need not just Japanese language skills but also the same amount of knowledge of economics as other Japanese students. Many students are having a hard time with their studies, but it's all to enter the school of their choice. Good luck!